A downloadable project

The troglodytes are a race of humanoid lizards who live deep underground. They have no eyes, but they compensate this fact with their powerful sense of smell. They are a savage folk, and now they are ready to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting surface dwellers.

This pack of paper miniatures are ment to be used for RPGs, and war-games. This set contains:

  • 6 Warriors with spears
  • 6 Troglodyte rock-throwers with a sling
  • 1 Caster/leader with a staff of odorous fungi

This lineup will be expanded in the future with more specialiced units and war beasts.

This set was originally created for the #Paperminijam by Hairic Lilred (https://hairic.itch.io). You can see some of the other awesome stuff made for the jam here:  itch.io/jam/paper-miniature-jam.

This miniatures are for personal use only. You can freely modify them however you want, but please do not repost or resell this miniatures as you own work.


Troglodyte Marauders Part 1.png 1.2 MB
Troglodyte Marauders Part 1.pdf 9.8 MB

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